Some things I've learnt

I'm a slow learner of non technical things. Soft skills, life skills etc. This post is related to creating art and indirectly related to chasing other pursuits in life.

  • Develop a habit. It’s far better getting a few small works done per week rather than a huge piece over a month, larger projects are still important as  they carry more weight. The opposite goes for bad habits.
  • A comfortable working environment, ok forget comfortable. Some sort of working environment.
  • You’re life really doesn’t require more drama, don’t manufacture dramas for yourself thinking it will result in anything other than wasted time and energy.
  • Adventure is different to drama, adventure is good for you.
  • Be aware of what your peers are producing and be careful not to copy the same style. The meaning of peers has become blurry in the internet age, although your peers are basically any practicing artist who’s work is known throughout the internet.
  • A boring day job can be a blessing.